Ever since I was a little girl, I was in awe of the fashion industry.
The clothes, the pictures, the pretty models--I wanted to be a part of it.
I dreamed of being a successful career woman with much power (and clothes) and I scoffed at the idea of someone putting anything before their career.
I dreaded Nebraska and in high school I couldn't wait to leave Grand Island behind for good.
The minute I graduated I was out the door and contemplated never returning.
I was ready for college and ready to start plucking away at MY dream.
***Fast forward two years later***
In college I chose to work at a personal relationship with Christ.
As Truman and I started to date I became even more influenced by him and got a glimpse of how great it was to live a godly life.
God showed me a love for Truman that I didn't know was possible and suddenly a silly career didn't even matter to me.
Long story short--Truman is staying in Central City for the semester. One day he suggested that I stay in GI, take time off from school, and work so we would have some money when we got married.
I about slapped the kid.
I could barely stomach the idea of living in Grand Island, Nebraska....with my parents!!!
I did a lot of thinking and praying and finally agreed to stay here.
It's going to be so tough. I'm realizing how hard it is to swallow my pride and my ability to be content is going to be tested over and over.
But I have already learned so much by making this change.
(I'll try to say this without sounding like a giant cliche'...)
I chose to love.
And that's a BIG step for me.
If you would have told me in 2008 that this is where I would be, I would have packed my bags and ran. But that's not God's plan.
I think He has a lot to teach Truman and I in this next semester. I'm scared to death, but ready to learn.
I'd say this counts for being content, eh?
Still plucking away at the resolutions...