My mailbox is going to be so busy!
I wrote about 4 letters this week to good friends and I anticipate their replies. I don't know what it is about an envelope addressed to me that makes me so happy. Writing letters is so personal. Technology is so...not.
The weather has put me in such a pleasant mood. March hasn't disappointed thus far, but I don't want to speak too soon.
I am going to meet with an arts & sciences advisor tomorrow about my options. I'm hoping to decide sometime in the near future what I'm going to pursue. Truman gave me this small "book" written by John MacArthur called "Found: God's Will." Basically he talks about how you can't find what God's will is for you until you are filled with the Holy Spirit. I think this is what my problem has been.
Have a great Wednesday. If you live in Nebraska, go outside!
836 y st.
lincoln ne 68508
write me, i will write back :)
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