Sunday, January 8, 2012

Twenty Twelve Goals

I originally started this blog as a way to organize my resolutions and stick with them. Though I have found the blog to be helpful with organizing, it hasn't necessarily given me the commitment to my goals that I need. I was reading one of my favorite nutrition blogs the other day (Rooted Wellbeing) and she suggested that taking your goals one month at a time makes it much easier to follow through. So this year I have many things I'd like to focus on (as always) but I'm going to take each month to focus one or two so they become permanent habits in my lifestyle. 

My resolutions for 2012:

1. Learn to Garden

2. Switch to all natural cleaning & beauty products

3. Learn more about the benefits of essential oils and natural remedies

4. Get to know Lincoln. Make it our home even if it's only temporary

5. Focus on friendship and community

6. Prepare my body for pregnancy and overall health. Change my diet (drastically), fight my sugar cravings, and gain 15 pounds (this one scares me!!)

7. Truman and I have set a goal together to spend more time organizing our finances and learning how to use them wisely.

I'm excited for the challenges that 2012 will bring!


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