Thursday, December 1, 2011


This year I am following my first Advent study (two of them, actually). 
My church is following one together and I am also following one through Coram Deo (the church we attended in Omaha). Both of them are wonderful and are preparing my heart for celebrating the gift of Jesus Christ.

Isn't it amazing how we so easily forget it? I'm guilty of this all the time. Jesus was born to die just so I can be seen as righteous in God's eyes...I become speechless every time I think it.

So, instead of spending all of my time worrying about gifts and decorations (while those can be very fun in moderation), I'm celebrating and worshiping because I have been saved.

Along with these two great studies, I have been listening to the BEST worship music. I've listened to decent worship music before, but this stuff makes me cry out with joy. For some reason it is much more colorful than anything before....and, of course, I want to share :)

1. Page CVXI - Hymns IV **this is the best album ever, these guys are brilliant**

2. Seryn - This Is Where We Are

3. The Lower Lights - A Hymn Revival

4. Ellie Holcomb - Magnolia EP

5. Page CVXI - Hymns I

6. Jon Foreman - Fall EP (they are all good, actually)

You won't regret these purchases, I promise!
Also, if you're interested in following an Advent this year, you can download the Coram Deo one on their website: here. (The link is at the bottom right corner)



Anonymous said...

Love this post:) Which studies are you doing?

Notes From A Ragamuffin said...

We are doing one with our church and one from Coram Deo. I can send you them through an email if you'd like!

Anonymous said...

I like, thank you

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