Saturday, May 7, 2011

Romp 2011

Let's get real here. 
I have no money. We have no money. (By "no" I mean no money for luxuries.)
We're newlyweds. We've been completely cut off of any support from ma and pa (and rightly so) and it's been a challenge. We're learning to live off our means and praise God for what He has given us.
There is this bluegrass festival in Kentucky that I just HAVE to see! To me, music isn't a luxury it's a necessity! I can't breathe without the sweet sounds of bluegrass floating in the air. I'm pretty sure it's the forgotten 11th Commandment, in fact. Thou shalt not live without good music. 

I came across this festival when I was looking up tour dates for Steve Martin and the Steep Canyon Rangers. I've never been to Kentucky but I've always wanted to visit (mainly because of my obsession with Elizabethtown). I'm really trying to convince Truman to say yes to this. Tickets are very reasonable and we get to camp for free. I can't imagine anything better than warm air, sleeping outside, and listening to blue grass all day. We have to go!
Some of my favorites will be there...


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