It was a wonderful, wonderful weekend. I have been working so much at the coffee shop that the weeks are just a blur. I couldn't believe that the 4th of July was already near so I needed to do something that made me feel like I was using my summer time wisely. So...Truman and I went to the Zoo! (We were limited with things to do since it is Nebraska). I also attended a wedding shower for Sharon, got to spend some time with Alyssa (I really miss my old roommates), ate dinner with Truman's brother and sister-in-law, babysat Jenny's dog Bella, and baked tea cakes. Needless to say, it was a full weekend and I started the week with much joy.

Tru and I on the Skyfari.

My delicious tea cakes.

get her out of here!! i cannot handle the cuteness! i just wanna squeeze her cheeks :)
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