Grand Island can be quite boring and I find that when I'm not working, I don't have much to do. One of my resolutions is to spend more time cooking/baking. I'm fascinated by the art of food I just lack confidence once I set foot in the kitchen. But since Truman and I plan on getting married in the near future, I figure I should start practicing so we aren't living off of ramen noodles and frozen pizza.
Truman headed to Colorado yesterday with his friends to do some camping so I had the perfect opportunity to get some practicing in. I spent hours on the Martha Stewart website and decided to make chicken fettuccine with pesto cream sauce.
The meal turned out well. I plan on making many more this summer with my free time in hopes that one day I'll feel like I belong in the kitchen. I might even start growing my own herbs!
I'll add the link in case you'd like to try for yourselves!

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