Today is the last day and knowing this makes it hard to enjoy it. It has been windy and cloudy all day so the beach wasn't really an option (we are all too fried to lay in the sun anyway). So instead, I bought a princess coloring book and we have been keeping ourselves entertained with that...even Truman and Anth.
It was a great trip.
The weather was perfect and I got enough sun to last me a couple more chilly weeks in Nebraska. I was pretty successful in accomplishing my goals for the trip. I'm halfway through my book (it's not as good as I was hoping), I watched the sun rise twice, I definitely spent time with nature ( a little too much time), I purchased a new album (She & Him), and I lasted almost a week and a half without talking about school or my future (these last few days were rough).
I'm not ready to get back to Nebraska because that means I have to figure out what to do with my life. But I miss my little bean (Coco) and I'm ready to get closer to summer.
Favorite song right now: If You Can't Sleep by She & Him